RussianBeauty – Vlog style video about me becoming/being a Superwoman in real life

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Vlog style video about me becoming/being a Superwoman in real life

Cusom request : You’d start by outlining the powers you’d see yourself having (for example, like Superman’s [invulnerability, super strength, speed, flight, heat vision, super breath, super senses, x-ray vision] but with immortality and healing rolled in)

Then you’d explain what you’d probably wear (so, you could start the video by wearing a coat, and then maybe revealing a catsuit?). Giving the answers on those questions and showing to me all your power and cruelty!

Question 1. Which superpower would you enjoy using most using on (or showing off in front of) us playthings?

Question 2. If I (the clip purchaser) was the one to give you superpowers, whats the first thing you would do after becoming super? Would you use me as a plaything, ignore me and fly off to start toying with a city or something else?

Question 3. You’re flying through the skies and hear someone talking shit about you (instead of worshiping you), what would you do to them?

Question 4. You have just flown through a roof to fuck up someone you don’t like the look of, you set yourself a "one attack" limit for fun, what do you choose to do to them?

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RussianBeauty – Vlog style video about me becoming/being a Superwoman in real life

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