DirtyZuZa – Foot Bitch Vol 1 part three
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Foot Bitch Vol 1 part three
Spoilt silly with Slipping in and out of Pussy and Anus all day long The Penis is prone to commit One of the Seven Deadly Sins. Sloth. An Aversion to Work or Exertion, Laziness, Indolence, Emotional Apathy that lead to Destruction of the Charity within a man’s Heart.
Commissioned with Breathing New Life into the Old Warhorse my Tiny Feet enter the Arena to do Battle with the Slumbering Giant.
Disinterested having tasted the Splendour and Wonder of spending the afternoon Safely and Securely Rooted Deep within Anus The Penis Mocks and Jeers my Feet as being no match for the Penis Prince.
A Lamb to the Slaughter.
However, The Penis overlooks the fact that my Feet are Infinitely more Potent than Viagra and will Not be Defeated or Denied.
Step inside then to Witness this most Fascinating of Duals a Real Modern Day David and Goliath.