RussianBeauty – 10 cans of shaving foam pies in our heads

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10 cans of shaving foam pies in our heads

Customer wrote:First you would get a bunch of paper plates and make as many pies as you can out of 10 cans of Shaving cream. ( Pies would made before the start of the video).First you would sit down and then KateBB would pie you with half of the pies. (The camera angle would be a closeup from the shoulders up, just like the other ones, I’m kinda picky about camera angles lol.). Then you would switch places and you would pie KateBB with the other half of the pies.When you pie each other, can you really rub each pie around her face and head several times in a circular motion?

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RussianBeauty – 10 cans of shaving foam pies in our heads

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