DirtyZuZa – Trashy Vol 1 part one

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Trashy Vol 1 part one

Trashy is the kind of Girl that you Do Not take home to meet your Mother. Trashy exists in your Dreams, the girl you’re with while your wife is waiting at home for you, Yes, that’s right she’s every man’s Dream Come True Girl.

Trashy has just returned home off the Streets, Drunk and sets about her nightly diet of Takeaway Junk. An After Hours phone call arrives which can only mean one thing for Trashy. A Hot Rod Cock is on its way around to Run her Through.

If you like your Tiny Asian Babies in Spray On Cut Down Denim Shorts, looking like Cheap Whore of the Month, then now’s the best chance to catch Trashy.

I really do not like to disappoint anybody so please do note that part one of Trashy is Non Nude Fun with me Goofing around, dressed like a Ten Dollar Whore.

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DirtyZuZa – Trashy Vol 1 part one

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